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September 29, 2022

Spring Clean Your Skincare

September 14, 2022

Skin Cycling

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Spring Clean Your Skincare

There are some areas in your life where you can be extravagant, but skincare doesn't necessarily need to be so lavish. In fact, a simpler skincare routine can be just what your skin craves. 

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With constant videos of Tik Tok and Instagram influencers promoting their latest skincare 'essentials', it can feel like there is a never-ending list of on-trend ingredients and products that we simply must have! How can we stop ourselves from feeling the urge to buy every new product that comes out or is recommended? 

Now, I'm not saying that I'm immune from said videos. I, myself, have made many purchases over the years of many wonderful products, but how do we know when enough is enough? And who can we trust to provide the best advice when it comes to our skin health?


Basic ≠ boring

Nowadays, according to, being basic is a slang term for being unoriginal and boring, but when it comes to skincare being basic rules.

Dr Natalia Spierings has coined the phrase 'FOMOOS' meaning Fear of Missing Out on Skincare and I think this sums up a lot about how people feel when they see something new. Many people are actually overloading their skin with TOO many overlapping ingredients such as acids and retinoids, and can actually be causing harm to their skin barrier. 

There are so many different skincare brands, promising to do all kinds of wonderful things to our skin, but often stripping back and getting the fundamentals right can make a huge difference. Establishing a good cleansing routine and protecting the skin from harmful UV rays are crucial in any skincare routine but are often overlooked in favour of the latest 'anti-wrinkle' cream. Basic skincare doesn't sound as inviting as a product that can 'turn the clock back' but perhaps this simplicity, gives us a better understanding of what our skin requires and what we ultimately need from our skincare products.

Skin cycling is trending on Tik Tok which shows a new way of streamlining our skincare routines and also has an emphasis on the importance of recovery. I like this methodical approach to skincare as it creates a consistent pattern, which allows for habit-forming and, what I think is the real key to healthy skin.


Confused much?

It seems like an endless list of things you need to know before even selecting a product.


  • Do you know your skin type?
  • Which brand is best?
  • Which order to apply?
  • Do I need different products for AM and PM?
  • Double-cleansing?


It is no wonder so many people can be confused about skincare. It's completely overwhelming... often we buy a new product but could have something similar already on our shelf. So what should we do?


Take a step back


1. What do you have already?

Go through your existing skincare and categorise them into cleansers, moisturiser etc. Have you any duplicates? Check the ingredients lists. Having 3 different brands of serum with hyaluronic acid in isn't necessary. Use them up, of course, and buy your favourite going forward.

Check your expiry dates and 'Period after opening' (the little pot symbol with a time frame of 6M, 12M etc. This dictates how many months that your skincare product will last after it is opened). Throw away those that have expired.

2. Get your cleanser and SPF sorted

This is a basic skincare routine for beginners and essential for good skin health. By developing a consistent cleansing routine and using a sun protection factor cream everyday you are giving your skin the best chance to do what it does best. Cleansing removes daily grim and makeup, to ensure your skin looks and feels fresh. SPF prevents harmful UV rays penetrating the skin, which can lead to ageing but more importantly, to reduce risk of carcinomas. Choose products that you love and look forward to using. This will help you be consistent!


3. Assess your skin needs

Once a regular routine is established, get to know your skin. Knowing your skin needs, and purchasing specific extras rather than a hoard of new products means avoiding overloading your skin (and depleting your wallet!). Introduce one new product at a time and use it for at least a month to evaluate its worth (Note: if it causes irritation, discontinue use). Products take time to work, there are no quick fixes unfortunately.

skincare science


4. Learn about ingredients

You don't need to go into chemistry but understanding a few basics when reading the ingredients list (INCI) of a product can help with selection. All ingredients are listed in order of the amounts present, so the nearer the top of the list an ingredient is, then the more of it is in that product. Some products claim to contain Vitamin C, as an example, but may only have as much as 1% concentration (ie. near the end of the product list)

5. Find your favourites

You don't have to use all the products within one range, especially if you aren't fussed on them. Be picky with what you like to use and you will be more likely to stick with it. And on another note, luxury products are not the be-all and end-all. Formulations are available which are less fancy-looking but often have similar ingredients and a budget-friendly price point. I have always liked CeraVe and The Ordinary for good quality ingredients and value for money.

6. Make qualified skincare experts your influencers

Most dermatologists and skincare professionals have a vested interest in your skin health, first and foremost. Some of my favourite to follow on Instagram include Dr Michelle Wong (Labmuffin), Jennifer Rock (The Skin Nerd) and Dr Sam Bunting.

Some experts do bring to market their own ranges but they are often well researched and I find them more trusted. I am a huge fan of Skingredients and Dr Sam's Skincare, for easy-to-follow routines and quality ingredients.

Many celebrities are well and truly on the skincare bandwagon these days. Everyone from Rihanna to Brad Pitt have released ranges. Some at extortionate prices. Definitely do your research before purchasing a product just because it comes with a celebrity-endorsement. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with their products, just there are often equally good products without the 'name'.


7.  Pores will be pores

Skincare can only do so much and that's fine. There are no miracle creams that will make wrinkles disappear. Learn to love your skin for what it is. Pores cannot be permanently erased from your skin, they are a part of its makeup. There is some evidence though to suggest they can be minimised using certain ingredients (Can You Shrink Pores? - The Evidence Says Yes). 



8. Make skincare your self-care

You are unique. What products work well with your mum/sister/best friend, may not be suitable for you. Take time to get to know your own skin. Make your routine a nightly ritual as you wind down from the day. Feel the satisfaction of having cleansed, fresh and hydrated skin.

Use what feels good to you... if you enjoy applying your products you are half way there! 


9. Shop savvy skincare

Samples (in for example, sachets) are harder to obtain now due to single-use plastic regulation. Lots of skincare ranges though have smaller trial size products or sets that allow you to try a new product without buying the full-sized version.  Also, look out for deals on your favourite brands. Sometimes you can get bundles with money off when you buy a few different products at a time.


10. Other ways to improve your skin health

Skincare is holistic and not only about what you apply to your skin. Look into other things that you can do to help


  • Stop smoking
  • Eating a variety of foods and plenty of water
  • Limit alcohol
  • Avoid sunbeds





Hopefully, these tips will help to lessen the confusion with regards to skincare. 

It is important to remember... not one, single person has perfect skin. What appears on social media is not always what it seems. Love your body all the way to your outermost layer!

Michelle (The Skin Health Pharmacist)

Owner of Tonic Skin Care

Find me on InstagramFacebook & TikTok 


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